Hello, girls.
I was busy these days with work , but look! I have -finally- arrived to the sea. It was a warmy , warmy day and I had some hours of relax...there was cold coffee,music, water and sand, which I hate, but it was good feeling again the sand on my skin.
There was a problem , too. See, I have this unbelievable white skin....and today bake a little and my skin looks now even more red than a Ferrari.This is my unfortune . Girls , if you have the skin like me, than you're screwed,honestly.
Little advice: don't do like me. In other words: don't stay expose to the sun without an high-protection lotion, wear a hat and sunglasses.
Buna, fetelor!
Am fost cam ocupata zilele acestea cu munca, dar iata ca am reusit -in sfarsit- sa ajung si la mare.A fost o zi calduta[ poate un pic mai calduta decat parea :)) ].Am avut cateva ore de relax . Crema de cafea rece, musica, apa si nisip (urasc nisipul! mai ales cand vin uda din apa si se prinde tot de mine, ma inebuneste senzatia ...bleach , dar trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost dragut sa il simt din nou pe piele :D ).
A fost si o mica problema :Dupa cum vedeti , am pielea incredibil de alba....si azi m-am bronzat un pic mai mult decat era cazul , iar acum pielea mea e mai rosie decat un Ferrari...Mda, asta e ghinionul meu...povestea vietii mele :))....Fetelor, daca aveti pielea alba ca si mine, atunci sunteti arse...la propriu:)) serios acum....