Girls, today was my last day of hight-school and I have no regrets. I'm actually happy. I can wait to pass my exams and then will be life :x
Because I am a little sad, I tried to create a pretty outfit to enjoy this day and here are some pics taken this morning , after school.
Listen : Rihanna - Te amo. ( I like this song )
Fetelor, azi a fost ultima mea zi de liceu si nu am niciun regret.
De fapt, chiar ma bucur . Abia astept sa trec bac'ul si apoi voi spune: asta da viata!
Pentru ca am fost un pic cam trista zilele astea, am incercat sa creez o tinuta care sa-mi inveseleasca ziua si aici sunt cateva poze facute in aceasta dimineata , dupa scoala.
What you think about these killers ? :x I just felt in love with them.and actually, they aren't really new, I bought them when I was in Italy ,few months ago . I liked the color.
Yesteray , I went for a walk with my boyfriend after I have finished a lot of work.... I thought I could enjoy the sun , the warmy day , but I was wrong. In the end of the day , it started to rain. It was actually a storm :)) It was so cold . Fortunately , we took the car and went ddirectly home , where we ate some cookies and drunk tea.
After all, it was a nice day . I took some photos too . Maybe next time, will be more photos.