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vineri, 22 iulie 2011

Metal details!

Metal detalis

I thought to show you my favourite style : the rock'n'roll style...

And I must tell you, girls, this is not all about the clothes , it's about attitude.

Show some attitude girl , be confident and get the "I don't give a fuck" attitude.

A little bit of reckless, be dirty , but not too dirty 'cause you don't have to be vulgar .

Here are some photos, but I am sooo sooorry 'cause I really don't have any ideea where did I get them . But I know they are in my collection for months.

9 comentarii:

Living_in_aShoe spunea...

imi place machiajul din prima poza

Melina spunea...

love all of the pictures and I´m so into everything studded :)

Jamie-Lee Burns spunea...

damn those girls have attitude. they look so good!

Anonim spunea...

i love your blog..! visit me and tell me what u think..:) take care

Anonim spunea...

Good post over once again. Thank you:)

A spunea...

love these pictures!

Yuliya spunea...

Great style!! Love it! <3

Manuella spunea...

Foarte tare aceasta postare

Piroscutza spunea...

Ador detaliile metalice!! ador stilul rock! so lovely polivore!!
