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marți, 20 noiembrie 2012

Good girls read good books.

 Hey, there ! 

So today it's all about books, warmy drinks & sad, sad music ( Duffy, Amy Winehouse, Adelle ). And no, I'm not so depressed , I'm really bored and I have this mood... of doing nothing . 
Anyway, I want to introduce you this gorgeous book : Eat, pray, love - Elizabeth Gilbert.
 I'm in love with this book, even if is a non-fiction ( and this is not my kind of book) . As I've already said, it's  a great book with an amazing story and experience of life. I highly recommend it.
 And ! If you don't have time to read, you are lucky! There's a movie, too .... with Julia Roberts (probably is a nice movie, I haven't seen it yet ).
Have a nice week ! 

4 comentarii:

MoGio spunea...

Hey :)

OneRedCherry spunea...

Love them

Unknown spunea...

It's really a nice book ! Hope you've already read it!

M and M spunea...

Vreau si eu carteaaa! Cred ca mi.o fac cadou de Craciun:)))