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miercuri, 8 iunie 2011

Good tips for bad girls

Today I have some tips for you .

I just love them , I have been using them for 2,almost 3 years and I 've got never disspaointed.

So , I strongly recomand them and don't forget the price, which is not a big one.

You must try the dual mascara , it's lovely !


Produsele Revlon

Le ador, le folosesc de 2, aproape 3 ani si nu am fost niciodata dezamagita de ele.

Deci , le recomand tuturor si nu uitati pretul , care nu e unul exagerat de mare.

Trebuie neaparat sa incercati rimelul in doua culori de la ei , e super!

These smell really good

And for reading , 'cause reading is sexy :

Awsome book for a girl . That's all for today . Keep calm & read my blog !

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