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luni, 15 august 2011

Feel the summer !

Hello, girls.

I was busy these days with work , but look! I have -finally- arrived to the sea. It was a warmy , warmy day and I had some hours of relax...there was cold coffee,music, water and sand, which I hate, but it was good feeling again the sand on my skin.

There was a problem , too. See, I have this unbelievable white skin....and today bake a little and my skin looks now even more red than a Ferrari.This is my unfortune . Girls , if you have the skin like me, than you're screwed,honestly.

Little advice: don't do like me. In other words: don't stay expose to the sun without an high-protection lotion, wear a hat and sunglasses.


Buna, fetelor!

Am fost cam ocupata zilele acestea cu munca, dar iata ca am reusit -in sfarsit- sa ajung si la mare.A fost o zi calduta[ poate un pic mai calduta decat parea :)) ].Am avut cateva ore de relax . Crema de cafea rece, musica, apa si nisip (urasc nisipul! mai ales cand vin uda din apa si se prinde tot de mine, ma inebuneste senzatia ...bleach , dar trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost dragut sa il simt din nou pe piele :D ).

A fost si o mica problema :Dupa cum vedeti , am pielea incredibil de azi m-am bronzat un pic mai mult decat era cazul , iar acum pielea mea e mai rosie decat un Ferrari...Mda, asta e ghinionul meu...povestea vietii mele :))....Fetelor, daca aveti pielea alba ca si mine, atunci sunteti propriu:)) serios acum....

Un mic sfat: nu faceti ca si mine....In alte cuvine nu va expuneti la soare mai mult decat e cazul(chiar daca folositi o crema de soare cu un grad inalt de protectie) si purtati o palarie si niste ochelari de soare :D

My little dog! I love him! >3


In the meantime, listen :

15 comentarii:

Living_in_aShoe spunea...

catelusul tau e adorabil. Imi place rochita pe care ai purtat-o la mare, e tare draguta.

Melina spunea...

thank you!
i looove your pictures, jewellery and your dog is the cutest!

Alba M spunea...

beautiful photos <3

btw Love the song... never heard of it before


Catherine spunea...

oh you look beautiful, girl! love your earrings. xx

Ana spunea...

I saw someone at the metro today with the same bracelet, it was you?

Unknown spunea...

mia placut postarea asta)) indeosebi mi-a atras atentia bratara cu pietre turcuaze

Unknown spunea...

Cristina L: Ma bucur ca iti place ; si mie imi place enorm, am primit'o caDOU.

A spunea...

ah si eu am acceasi problema cu pielea, ma ard imediat..

catelul tau este fff dragalas<3

Laura Tenshi spunea...

Love the bracelet and your puppy is adorable. Sorry to hear about your sunburned skin. This is the reason why I avoid sun bathing. My skin can't take it.

Denisa L spunea...

ugh, sorry to hear that! Love your dress!

pepa spunea...

U look so lovely my dear!

Kisses from pepa;x

Alina spunea...

Love the pictures!The dress is soo cute!

Costin M spunea...

foarte dragute pozele de la mare, si eu am avut ocazia sa trec in fuga pana pe litoral. imi pare rau totusi sa aud ca te-a cam ars soarele...

Costin M.

Unknown spunea...

Thanks all for your compession, I really need it :)) :*

Unknown spunea...

Bratara e super-draaaguta!!<3