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sâmbătă, 27 august 2011

Random pics

Hy there !

I'm not in the mood to post something.... still, these are some "random photos" from yesterday. :)

Guess pants , shirt - no brand, Shoes : Sole Italiano

vineri, 19 august 2011

New in closet !

H&M necklace and accesories for hair.
Yves Saint Laurent lipstick :x I love it !
2 long dresses Random brand
Piazza Italia - hat, scarf and white blazer

H&M sandals
Maybelline Dream mat mousse , Maybelline Volum express mascara , Colistar eyeliner.
Even if I spent a lot of money , I'm so happy ! :))

luni, 15 august 2011

Feel the summer !

Hello, girls.

I was busy these days with work , but look! I have -finally- arrived to the sea. It was a warmy , warmy day and I had some hours of relax...there was cold coffee,music, water and sand, which I hate, but it was good feeling again the sand on my skin.

There was a problem , too. See, I have this unbelievable white skin....and today bake a little and my skin looks now even more red than a Ferrari.This is my unfortune . Girls , if you have the skin like me, than you're screwed,honestly.

Little advice: don't do like me. In other words: don't stay expose to the sun without an high-protection lotion, wear a hat and sunglasses.


Buna, fetelor!

Am fost cam ocupata zilele acestea cu munca, dar iata ca am reusit -in sfarsit- sa ajung si la mare.A fost o zi calduta[ poate un pic mai calduta decat parea :)) ].Am avut cateva ore de relax . Crema de cafea rece, musica, apa si nisip (urasc nisipul! mai ales cand vin uda din apa si se prinde tot de mine, ma inebuneste senzatia ...bleach , dar trebuie sa recunosc ca a fost dragut sa il simt din nou pe piele :D ).

A fost si o mica problema :Dupa cum vedeti , am pielea incredibil de azi m-am bronzat un pic mai mult decat era cazul , iar acum pielea mea e mai rosie decat un Ferrari...Mda, asta e ghinionul meu...povestea vietii mele :))....Fetelor, daca aveti pielea alba ca si mine, atunci sunteti propriu:)) serios acum....

Un mic sfat: nu faceti ca si mine....In alte cuvine nu va expuneti la soare mai mult decat e cazul(chiar daca folositi o crema de soare cu un grad inalt de protectie) si purtati o palarie si niste ochelari de soare :D

My little dog! I love him! >3


In the meantime, listen :

marți, 9 august 2011

Elizabeth and James

Hy, good girls with bad intentions !

You know I have a biiiiiig sympathy for Mary Kate and Elizabeth Olsen...especially for Mary Kate. Many people don't like them 'cause of their weird :-? style. Hey , I agree : the girls don't made the right choices everyday , BUT they certainly have STYLE.

So I look at this collection I made with some pieces from their brand: Elizabeth and James and I can see their style .... so many pieces which take me directly to the Olsen twins.

What do you think about Elizabeth and James brand?(Not speaking about the price here.)

Hy, fete bune cu intentii rele !

Stiti ca am o maaaare simpatie pentru MK si Elizabeth Olsen...mai ales pt Mary Kate .Multa lume nu nutreste aceeasi simpatie ca si mine, in pare parte datorita stilului lor...ciudat...? Hei , sunt deacord, fetele nu nimeresc tot timpul , dar cu siguranta au STIL.

Si privesc aceasta colectie pe care am compuns-o din piesele din brandul lor: Elizabeth and James si vad clar stilul lor ....atatea piese care ma duc cu gandul direct la gemenele Olsen.

Voi ce credeti despre aceast brand, Elizabeth and James?( Fara sa punem in discutie pretul aici.)

sâmbătă, 6 august 2011

Shoes maniac !

Hy there !
I have arrived in Italy 3 days ago. I missed Italy , it's like my second country . I spent every summer here for the past 11 years.
And you know what's the greatest of Italy? sHOpping...
Of course, I have already done some shopping around here, at my favourite stores. And look what I have bought: SHOOOOES ! I am such a maniac when it's about shoes.... Personally, I really love this pair of sandals and I saw these boots and I couldn't resist.

Oh , and here is a photo from the way to Italy , I think these mountains are gorgeous...Alpi.

what do you think about this pink watch? I recieved it when I arrived here.And for my reading pleasure, I bought a book: Kisses from Malibu .
Flora- by Gucci