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marți, 14 iunie 2011

Trend Report : Nails & Rings

(these were my photos) ( lovely photos )

How do yoy like them?
I go crazy for them.I like these colors.And the rings are fabulous.

7 comentarii:

Sarah Et Paris spunea...

I loveeee the red ring, it's so unique and gorgeous!

Sherrie Cola spunea...

Love these bright colours.

Catherine spunea...

oh wow, you look so pretty! I really love your yellow nails and jewelry xxx

meelusha spunea...

esti o scumpa! multumesc mult pt toate comentariile de pe blog :) mai ales pt cel despre mamica mea!

eu sunt mai clasica cu unghiile, adica doar rosu, visiniu, roz si portocaliu in toate nuantele...dar tot pot spune ca arata super si la tine imi place, mai ales in combinatie cu toate inelele :) mai mult imi plac unghiile albastre!


A spunea...

ce dragute sunt culorile ojelor, sunt innebunita dupa nuanta aia baby blue :x

LUIZA spunea...

Love your nails color...and it makes a good pair with your dress color! It's all about details!


Alice in vintageland spunea...

I looove your nail polish and your accessories are amazing! I'm abig fan of accessories!:)

Thank you so muvh for stoping by my blog.

Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
